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Horizon Counseling Center
Dr. Milagros Lozano, Ph.D., L.P.C.
2300 Valley View Lane, Suite 216
Irving, Texas 75062
United States

Immigration Law

Dr.  Milagros Lozano provides law firms and attorneys worldwide with expert psychological services in the areas of immigration law, including:

  • Expert Testimony Services
  • Courtroom Testimony
  • U-Visas & T-Visas
  • Extreme Psychological Hardship Reports
  • Political Asylum
  • VAWA/Spousal Abuse
  • LPR and non-LPR Deportations


immigration1Dr. Lozano offers expert testimony and opinions and documentation defining the psychological impact on the families of the client facing deportation at removal hearings.  She offers  professional opinions based on evidence from her professional evaluations of adults and their children.


immigration5A U-Visa gives legal status to immigrants, even undocumented immigrants, who have been victims of serious crimes in the United States and meet certain other requirements.  With a U-Visa, the immigrant may stay and work in the United States for up to four years.  After three years, however, a victim with a U visa may apply for a green card.

Victims of crimes, including sexual abuse, domestic violence, involuntary servitude, sexual exploitation, kidnapping, trafficking and rape, must have suffered serious physical, mental, or emotional abuse and have information that may help law enforcement in investigating or prosecuting the perpetrators.  A number of certifications and forms are involved, so contact an experienced immigration lawyer to assist with your U visa petition.


The T nonimmigrant Status (T-Visa) is a set aside for those who are or have been victims of human trafficking, protects victims of human trafficking and allows victims to remain in the United States to assist in an investigation or prosecution of human trafficking.Dr. Lozano’s  psychological reports help depict psychological angst associated with the trafficking experience.


immigration2Case studies have been documented to show that thorough psychological evaluations conducted by a psychologist knowledgeable about the factors involved in immigration hardship can make a huge difference in the outcome of the case.

Relevant factors in these cases include family relationships that would make it extraordinarily difficult for that person to leave the country.  The U.S. citizenor legal permanent resident might himself or herself be under treatment for a medical condition which would not be as well treated outside of the United States.  In extreme hardship cases, if one parent has to leave the United States, it can produce a separation anxiety disorder on the part of the child left behind.  Some children, especially those who are very young and lack the emotional maturity to understand why a parent might have to leave the United States, might also develop a depressive disorder.


immigration3In political asylum cases, an individual has been subjected to mistreatment and abuse in a foreign country.  The mistreatment is often associated with a political,, religious, ethnic or gender factor.  The individual then flees and makes his or her way to the United States, and files a political asylum claim.  Many times, the individual has developed psychological problems as a result of the abuse.  Depressive disorders and post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) are common. The nature of a psychological evaluation typically documents mistreatment and abuse the individual has suffered.  This in-depth evaluation includes any psychological and emotional distress as a result of the persecution in their country.  These trauma focused assessments allow Dr. Lozano to evaluate the level and the degree  of trauma.


This evaluation seeks to establish the presence of domestic abuse in order to file for legal status (separately from their U.S. citizen).  Dr. Lozano is well trained in assessing the presence of abuse and the psychological and practical aspects of the abuse.  Documented indicators of abuse are cited as physical, verbal or psychological assault.


immigration4When removal proceedings (deportation) are set in motion for a permanent resident  that is not lawfully in the United States,  these evaluations can be used to provide evidence for hardship on the client’s qualifying family members to help provide cancellation of the order for removal (deportation) proceedings.    The use of psychological testing on children and or other family members may give convincing and viable reasons for the client’s stay in the United States.


IMG_6667Certain residents that are placed in deportation proceedings for committing certain aggravated felonies or crime may petition for cancellation of the removal or deportation proceedings.  The use of psychological evaluations can be used to prove hardship on the client’s qualifying members if the non-lawful permanent resident is removed.